From Cutlery to Creatures | Waste to Art Wining Entrant Lily Podgers


Story: Gayel Airs. Photo: Hayden Whittle

Local vet Lily Podger has entered the Fraser Coast Regional Council Waste to Art competition since its inception in 2018. Lily was the winner of the 2020 People's Choice Award for her entry 'Edward' – a two metre emu created entirely from recycled stainless steel cutlery in her Dundowran studio.

Lily is an avid collector of items and materials that she may use for future sculptures.  She enjoys fossicking at Council's Tip Shop where she found most of the cutlery for her winning emu sculpture.  With a focus on creating animals in her artworks, utilising waste comes naturally to Lilly and she has made many pieces over the years from waste that she has rescued and stored ready for her next creation.

With over 30 years making what she refers to as "big things from recycled materials", creating emus is a favourite of Lily's due to their quirky facial expressions and the way they engage people. Edward the Emu has since had a baby called Edwina made from a collapsible food steamer.

You can view more of Lily's work at the front of her Scarness Vet Surgery on Torquay Road.

Entries are now closed for the 2021 Waste to Art competition with the exhibition opening at Gatakers Artspace on Friday 26 November and running through until Sunday 16 January.

Lily Podgers with her 2018 waste to Art People's Choice Winner, No Junk Mail.